
The Music Department taught the history of music as well as theory and practice. Students were all taught the recorder and some also the guitar. The squeaks of recorders were a background to the College at large, as students practiced for their recorder tests. Theory was based around the works of Orff, Suzuki and Kodaly.


  • Elements of music
  • Recorder and Orff instruments
  • History of music
  • Musical education background

Research and Publications


Alan True (HOD)

Alan True was the inaugural Head of the music department. He was instrumental in establishing WAAPA.
Alan True – interview with Terry Watt and Rivka Niesten

Jean Farrant (Harvey)

Jean is well known to many students who passed through her classes while she was a music lecturer, first at Claremont Teachers’ College, and then as a foundation member of staff in the Western Australian Academy of the Performing Arts. She taught the first course offered, and was confirmed in the position of Head of Department of Classical Music (WA Conservatorium of Music) subsequent to her having acted in that capacity for some time.

Jean was also a member of the university “A Cappella Choir” and the “Australian Society of Music Education. Jean formed and conducted the College Recorder Ensemble.

Jean was a specialist in music of the Eastern Goldfields, especially the place of choirs and brass bands during the time of the WA Gold Rush.

Basil Jayatilaka

Basil came to MLTC from Kuala Lumpur.

Basil Jayatilaka, is a pianist and composer, and has appeared as soloist and accompanist in concerts on TV and radio broadcasts in Australia, the U.K. and Malaysia.

Basil has taught at universities in Malaysia, USA and Australia since 1974.

Cornelius de Munck

Cornelius de Munck came straight to MLTC, from the highlands of New Guinea, where he had been on a special teaching project for several years.

Cornelius became a prominent classical baritone and academic.  He was the Head of Classical Voice and Senior Lecturer of Music at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, before retiring.

Since then, he has been the Musical Director of the Cape Harmony Choir and has been with the choir for 25 years.

Donald Gollagher